Genre: Drama, Romance
Episodes: Ongoing
Type: TV Series
Age Rating: Everyone
The story of Mashiroiro Symphony primarily takes place in the fictional town of Kagamidai (各務台), which consists of two distinct districts dubbed the "Old Distrct" (旧市街, Kyū-shigai), which primarily contains traditional housings resided by upper class families, and the "New District" (新市街, Shin-shigai), which is generally inhabited by working class families. The town also houses two private academic institutions undergoing a merger: the Yuihime Girls' Private Academy (私立結姫女子学園, Shiritsu Yuihime Joshi Gakuen), a notorious upper class girls' academy nicknamed Yuijo (結女), and the Kagamidai Private Academy (私立各務台学園, Shiritsu Kagamidai Gakuen), a coeducation school which Shingo, the protagonist, attends. As part of the merger, students from both schools are selected to participate in a test class at the Yuihime Academy campus, an act which is initially opposed by the female student body.
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